Patient Feedback on the PriMUS Study
Patients views on Study Information
Patient comments about the study information (both written materials and verbal explanation from healthcare professionals) were very positive: patients felt that it was easy to understand and that they had been fully prepared for the study. Some specifically mentioned that they had valued the lack of pressure to take part, together with checks by healthcare staff that they were still happy to be involved at every stage.
Study Assessments
The majority of patients reported no issues in completing the bladder diary, and said that it was clear what they had to do.
Patients reported that the flowtaker was easy to use
Patients reported experiencing mild discomfort when having the urodynamic test, but said that the procedure was ‘fine’. The majority felt well-prepared and said that the test was explained fully, reporting that it was no better or worse than they had expected. Two felt it was better than they had expected, and none reported any problems. Patients reported that the nurses who conducted the test were very professional, put them at ease and explained what was happening throughout the procedure.
Study Procedures
No patients reported problems travelling to appointments.
Overall patients reported that they were happy with their involvement in the study, and felt that it was explained well. They valued being able to have a comprehensive check-up with minimal waiting time and were pleased that other patients may benefit from their involvement in the future.